Document Management
Plan Annotations
The new “Plan Annotation” feature allows comments attached to documents to be treated as actionable items by assigning statuses. A plan annotation can be created if the document is part of an approval process. In this case, approvers can record their comments as plan annotations, highlighting tasks for the uploader.
When uploading a new version, the uploader can mark plan annotations as complete, indicating that the requested modifications have been made. Approvers can then review and finalize the completed annotations. In the case of a bulk revision upload, open plan annotations can be marked as complete in batches, streamlining the process.
Ongoing plan annotations can be accessed from the project’s main page, the “Plan Annotations” page in the sidebar, or the “Comments” tab of the selected document.
What are the conditions for Plan Annotations?
- The document must be part of an approval workflow.
Who can manage Plan Annotations?
- Approver: Creates and reviews plan annotations.
- Users participating in the approval process and administrators.
- Uploader: Marks plan annotations as complete.
- Users with upload permissions in the folder (document creation, revision upload, simplified file addition) and those with commenting rights.
What statuses can Plan Annotations have?
- Open
- Marked as Complete
- Completed (can only be set by an approver or administrator)
IMPORTANT: To view plan annotations, users must have document view and comment permissions or be participating as an approver in the process. From now on, document creation permissions will automatically include comment permissions as well.
Naming Standards
Naming standards allow defining which file names are accepted when uploading to a specific folder. Additionally, each data tag can specify what kind of information it should contain (e.g., what qualifies as a plan number or revision number).
Project administrators can create naming standards, which can then be applied to documentation folders. If a file name does not match the specified format, the software will display an error and prevent the upload.
During configuration, it is also possible to enable the automatic creation of non-existing folders and documents upon upload if one of the data tags is designated as a folder.
The applied naming standard can be viewed in the documentation by right-clicking on a folder and selecting “Details” or on the “Multiple Revision Upload” page.
Who can define naming standards?
- Project administrators
Available data segement types:
- Optional Text: This part of the file name can contain any text (e.g., plan title).
- Minimum and maximum text length can be defined.
- Can be marked as the document name or part of the plan number.
- Fixed Text: A specific character or string that must be included in the file name (e.g., separator characters between data segments or the project code).
- Can be marked as part of the plan number.
- Selectable Text: Allows multiple predefined text options in place of a data segment (e.g., discipline or plan phase codes).
- Multiple values can be copied and pasted from a table (e.g., Excel).
- Can be marked as part of the plan number.
- Numeric: A variable numerical value in the file name (e.g., plan sequence number, revision number).
- Minimum and maximum length and numerical range can be defined.
- Can be marked as a revision number or part of the plan number.
- Date: Typically represents the drawing creation date.
- Multiple date formats can be specified.
IMPORTANT: The naming standard must include the file extension. Therefore, the second-to-last dot (.) in the file name is a mandatory data tag and cannot be deleted or modified. The last “pdf” fixed text data tag is set by default but can be modified in both type and content.
Document-related information within data segments:
- “This is the name of the document”: This data tag is treated as the document name in the document management system (must be a free text type and can only be selected once).
- “This is included in the plan number”: These adjacent data segments are treated together as the plan number (must form a continuous string).
- “This is the revision number”: This data segment is treated as the document revision (must be a number type and can only be selected once).
- “This is a folder”: This data segment is treated as a folder and part of the file path (must be a text type).
- If a folder has a naming standard that includes a folder data segment, the naming standards for its subfolders cannot be modified.
- If a folder or document specified in the naming standard does not exist in the system, it will be automatically generated during upload, provided the user has the necessary permissions. Required permissions: Folder creation, bulk folder creation, document addition, and multiple revision upload.
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is now available, providing an extra layer of security for users. When logging in, a second security code will be required in addition to the password, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
How to activate it?
- Go to the “Account Settings” menu and click “Enable Two-Factor Authentication.”
- Download and open the Google Authenticator app.
- Scan the displayed QR code using the app.
- When logging in, enter the security code generated by Google Authenticator along with your password.
Additional Updates
- New Language: Croatian
- Optimized notifications in Task Management (now only include changes from the previous day).
- Ability to attach files to tasks in Task Management.
- Optimized PDF export of Task Management (improved image layout).
- Project Access Requests:
- If you have a link to a project where you are not yet a user, you can request access through the “Request Access” page. Project administrators will review and approve access requests.